The e-TAHITI travel team would like to deeply thank you for your messages of support during this crisis.
Our Travel Designers remain at your disposal and we are all looking forward to welcoming you in our islands as soon as the situation will allow.
In the meantime, do not forget to dream and rest assured we are looking after our islands which will be ready for your next visit.
Thank you to all our clients for their kind words of sympathy…

“In these challenging times, we just wanted to say hi, we think of you guys, we hope you stay safe and we will definitely come back to French Polynesia in the near future. »
Marco and family
« Take care »
« Thanks for your comforting messages »
Anne-Marie & Luc
«We received your message and we’d like to wish you all the best for the months to come (…) as soon as the world will be healed we hope we’ll be able to come back in your paradise. In the meantime, take care. »
Francine Renée
« Thanks again for your professionalism and support during this crisis. Regards from France and all the best»
« Good luck to the team and we are looking forward to come bqck as soon as it is possible »
Laurent & Stéphanie
“Thanks so much for your assistance. We’re safe at home now and we’ll be back!”